UOP:  Marble Activity

 Goal:  Given a marble, an empty jar, and a vernier caliper calculate how many marbles will fit into the empty jar.

 Step 1:  Estimate how many marbles will fit.  Turn your answers into the teacher before doing step 2.

Step 2:  Write a detailed paragraph explaining how you’d solve the problem.  Use Microsoft Word to type it.

        Sample:  In order to complete this lab activity, we will need  to find the volume of our marble and the volume of our jar.  To find the volume of the marble we will use our vernier caliper to measure its diameter and apply the formula 4/3pr³.  We will have to make sure to find the radius of our marble, label our answer, and if needed we will round our         answer.  For the jar, we will measure the height and diameter and apply the formula pr²h.  We will then need to  take the volume of our jar and divide it by the volume of our marble.  Our answer will need to be rounded to the nearest whole number.

Step 3:  Carry out the activity.  Organize your data in a spreadsheet.  Make sure your paragraph contains all your steps here.  Show all work and label your answers.   

Step 4:  Fill your jar with marbles.  Count the marbles.  Answer: ________

Step 5:  Answer the following questions.

If your answers are not close, give some reasons why you could be off. 


Marble Activity

Name: ________________________

Teacher: Mrs. Gretschmann

Date : ___________________

Title of Work: ___________________










Paragraph Explanation

Misses key points. Grammar rules not followed

Explanation is unclear. Grammar rules followed somewhat.

Good solid response with clear explanation. Very few grammar errors.

A complete response with a detailed explanation. No grammar errors.


Appropriate Presentation of data. Use of Microsoft Excel.

No chart. Work not organized. Wrong measurements.

Inappropriate or unclear chart.

Clear diagrams.

Clear diagram with measurements correctly written.


Mechanics and labels

Major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning.

May be some serious math errors of flaws in reasoning

No major math errors or serious flaws in reasoning.

No math errors.


Group behavior

Didn't contribute to group

Minimal help with group activity.

Helped with group activity but interrupted other classmates

Exceptional behavior and work.


Follow up activities

Way off on answer.

Off a little from actual answer. Labels not correct.

Close to true answer and can offer answer to why you are

Little difference between lab answer and true answer








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