Unit of Practice




Username:  Connie Gretschmann

UOP Title:  Learning with Metric Calipers and Micrometers

Subjects:  Math, Science, and English/Language

Level:  High School

Content Standards:

Author:  Connie Gretschmann


The students will learn how to read vernier calipers and micrometers.  They then will apply this knowledge to solve the empty jar activity.


How many times have we been to a fair and been asked to guess how many items are in the jar?  We throw a guess in the jar and walk away.  Was our guess close or not?  In this activity students will again be asked this question, however; they won’t have the chance of just walking away.  The students will actually calculate how many items are in a given jar using a vernier caliper and a marble.


The students will be in both our computer lab and the classroom for this 14-day unit. The activity itself will probably take only 4 or 5 days, but I plan on using it in conjunction with the unit I teach on Surface Areas and Volumes.  Each day is based on a 50-minute class period.


The students will watch a video introducing surface area and volumes.

The students will complete a study guide, surface area and volume worksheet, skill drill worksheet, and a unit test.

The students will work individually on assigned story problems with class discussion to follow on the more difficult problems.

The students will learn how to use metric calipers and micrometers through a teacher’s PowerPoint presentation.

The students will complete practice activities with calipers and micrometers.

The students will work in groups of 2 or 3’s to complete a given lab activity.

The students will use word processing to write a paragraph explaining how to solve the empty jar problem, carry out the activity organizing their data using a spreadsheet, and answer questions about the lab.


Students will work on some projects individually.

The lab activities will be completed in groups of 2 or 3.

Questions over assigned problems will be answered as a class.

The teacher will act as a facilitator making sure students can read calipers and checking over their lab activities


Lab Activities:  participation and behavior in group

                          How precise their answer is to marble problem.

                          Measuring correctly and showing work to problems.

                          Labeling their answers.

Teacher Graded Activities:  Study guides, assigned problems, worksheets, and unit test


1)      Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, video introducing unit, Microsoft Excel to record, organize, and graph data, Microsoft Word to type explanation paragraph

2)      Other tools:  Cord Mathematics textbook & resource materials, micrometers, vernier calipers, scientific calculators, empty jar, and marbles


Completion of the following activities: (Based on 50 minute class periods)

Day 1:  Watch video and start study guides.

Day 2:  Complete studies guides and answer any questions.

Day 3:  Discuss surface area and volume formulas.  Give handout with all formulas listed.  Complete practice worksheet.

Day 4:  Assign textbook problems. (Problem set # 1)

Day 5:  Complete lab activity given with textbook.

Day 6:  Group discussion over problem set #1.  Assign problem set # 2.

Day 7:  Microsoft PowerPoint tutorial on the vernier calipers and micrometers.  Complete activities in groups of 2.

Day 8:  Introduce marble contest.  Work with partner to write out detailed process.  Hand in estimate.

Day 9:  Complete activity.  Use Microsoft Excel to record and organize data.

Day 10:  Turn in answers.  Fill jar with marbles to find true answer.  Explain why could be off.

Day 11:  Discuss problem set # 2.  Assign problem # 3.

Day 12:  Complete skill drill worksheet.  Work on problem set # 3.

Day 13:  Review for test.

Day 14:  Unit test.



http://www.cord.org for textbook information.



  Marble Activity